
App: Eyewitness to Atrocities

In Ukraine, citizens, journalists and representatives of non-governmental organizations can upload images and videos to the Eyewitness to Atrocities app. First, the eyeWitness to Atrocities mobile camera app allows documenters on the ground to capture photos and video that are embedded with metadata at the moment the footage was captured. This information helps to verify where and when the footage was taken and whether or not it was altered. Second, when an app user sends footage to the eyeWitness server, eyeWitness creates a record of who has had access to the information captured, or a trusted chain of custody. LexisNexis

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Arabic, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Creative industry professionals, Filmmakers, Find Help, Give Help, Journalists/Media, Legal Help, Media/broadcasting professionals, Women

Psychological first aid for Ukrainian people

The Pompidou Group, together with leading European psycho-trauma experts, has developed recommendations on how people can better interact and communicate with persons who have experienced a crisis or difficult life event. The recommendations were developed at the request of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior and in light of the traumatic situations experienced by the Ukrainian population due to the ongoing Russian hostilities in Ukraine. Being the continent’s leading human rights organisation, the Council of Europe regards the protection of civilians of utmost importance. Traumatic experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Epidemiological studies show that people with trauma and

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France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine

English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Turkish, Ukrainian

Children, Marginalized People, Volunteers, Women

Working space and accommodation for cultural workers fleeing

The cultural institution ‘Imperfecthouse’ in Essen (NRW) is allocation hotel rooms to refugees from the creative scene in their countries of origin. Additionally they offer stages, studios, workshops and much more so that you can continue working. The offer is free of charge.

Unperfekthaus Essen

Accommodation, Artist Residency, Find Help, Jobs/Work, Office space, Training/Education



English, German

Actors/Actresses, Artists, Creative industry professionals, Filmmakers

EU Skills Profile Tool in Ukrainian: helping the integration into the labour market of people arriving from Ukraine

The European Commission has launched a Ukrainian version of the EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals. The Tool will make it easier for people fleeing Russian’s invasion of Ukraine to map their skills and find jobs and other opportunities.

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Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania

Austrian, Bulgarian, French, German, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian

Migrants and Refugees Service

The Migrants and Refugees Service provides support, guidance in daily life and social follow-up to applicants for international protection as well as support during all administrative procedures. An essential aspect of its work is the organisation of leisure activities that promote the socio-cultural integration of migrants into Luxembourg society.

Migrants and Refugees Service

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English, French, German

Marginalized People

Culture helps culture

The platform “Culture helps culture” is an initiative of the Kulturrat NRW and is intended to help refugee artists and cultural workers from the Ukraine to find their way in the cultural life of North Rhine-Westphalia. In the collection of information you will find tips and links on cultural life in NRW, which give you initial contacts, networks and points of contact. Here you will also find further links to, among other things, sector-specific help portals.

Culture helps Culture

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German, Ukrainian

Artists, Creative industry professionals, Filmmakers

ArrivalAid supports refugees in Germany

Since the beginning of 2015, we have been supporting refugees with their challenges in their new home. Low-threshold and at eye level. With programs that are geared to people’s needs. We now have five locations across Germany. BAMF Hearing Education & Job Trauma Help Language Culture & Leisure Digital life

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Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Köln, Munich, Stuttgart


Filmuniversität Babelsberg: program for Ukrainian students of Arts and Film Schools

Filmuniversität Babelsberg in Potsdam offers different programs for Ukrainians:(1) Already enrolled students of Arts and Film schools in Ukraine can apply for residency/guest audition of two semesters. You will find information on all study programs on their website. Please note, that the university will need some time to process on which courses will be opened and transferred into English language. (2) For those who are interested in studying or working in film industry, the university soon will offer so called “PrepClasses”: preparing young refugees for applying at Filmuniversität and/or integration into film business. (3) Where possible, they will integrate Ukrainian

Filmuniversität Babelsberg

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Berlin, Potsdam

English, German


Emergency fund for students

The Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin is working on setting up an emergency fund for students. This is done within the framework of the initiative “Refugees Welcome @ HU” and the “Scholars at Risk” services. Please direct your enquiries to you can find important questions and answers for refugee students and prospective students, doctoral candidates and persecuted researchers.

Humboldt University Berlin

Jobs/Work, Training/Education



English, German


HfBK Hamburg welcomes Ukrainian Arts students

HfBK Hamburg is offering Ukrainian art students fleeing from the war an uncomplicated procedure for admission to the University of Fine Arts. The aim is to give students with projects and interests in the area of the HfBK’s main departments space for their artistic work and research and a possibility to continue their studies after their arrival in Hamburg. For further organizational questions please contact: first contact person is Eike Pockrandt.

All information on application process

Find Help, Training/Education



English, German


Deutsche Telekom Free SIM-Cards in Germany

Deutsche Telekom free SIM-cards are available for Ukrainian refugees in Germany. Those SIM-cards allow free calls to be made. Для того, щоби ви у Німеччині могли залишатися на зв’язку зі своєю родиною та друзями, ми надаємо вам цю SIM-карту. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу на наступні рекомендації:.

Deutsche Telekom Free SIM-Cards in Germany

Assistance for Refugees, Equipment, Find Help


English, German, Ukrainian

Internship: Deutsche Filmakademie Produktion is hiring

Deutsche Filmakademie Produktion GmbH is hiring an intern from the 15th of April 2022 for the production of the German Film Prize 2022 Please send your application (cover letter, resume & credentials ) to These are some of your tasks• Assistance at the coordination of the German Film Prize on 24 June 2022• Helping our production coordinator with the implementation of production runs• Assistance for the arrangements of shootings• Assistance with other projects such as “Auf dem Weg zur LOLA”• You will prepare conferences and meetings• Technical support for meetings• Small catering for meetings• General office organization What we expect

Deutscher Filmpreis

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English, German


Temporary Protection Directive for people fleeing war in Ukraine and guidelines for border checks

Given the extraordinary and exceptional nature of this attack and the scale of new arrivals to the EU, the Temporary Protection Directive proclaimed by te European Commission offers the appropriate response to the present situation by: Providing immediate protection and rights: this includes residency rights, access to the labour market, access to housing, social welfare assistance, medical or other assistance, and means of subsistence. For unaccompanied children and teenagers, temporary protection confers right to legal guardianship and access to education. Reducing pressure on national asylum systems by creating a protection status with reduced formalities. This will avoid overwhelming national asylum

Accommodation, Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Jobs/Work, Transport


English, French, German, Ukrainian

European film associations support Ukrainian actors is a digital home for professional actresses and actors from Ukraine – created “by actors for actors” together with key professional associations from across the European film industry.  The main goal of the initiative is to provide visibility to actresses and actors from Ukraine who, had to leave their home because of the terrible war, and to show solidarity and support in these difficult times. Actors and actresses are invited to create and maintain a professional profile free of charge. operates on the platform of the European casting service Castupload, which means the performers’ profiles are automatically integrated into the individual systems

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Austria, France, Germany, International, Switzerland, Ukraine

English, French, German, Russian, Ukrainian

Actors/Actresses, Artists, BPOC, Creative industry professionals, Filmmakers, Students, Women