
Polish foundation launches a Centre helping Ukrainians with disabilities

Refugees will be able to benefit from the support of physiotherapists in Warsaw, i.e. at the Avalon Active Rehabilitation Centre, and from some classes also online, through the Zoom platform. With the support of volunteers, the Foundation will provide language support for Ukrainian-speaking patients. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact us by email at: pomocukrainie@fundacjaavalon.pl 

Centrum Pomocy Uchodźcom z Niepełnosprawnościami Fundacji Avalon

Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Medical Help



Polish, Ukrainian

Warsaw employment agency for Ukrainians

The Labour Office of the Capital City of Warsaw opened a Service Point for Ukrainian citizens. It is located at 77/79 Marszałkowska St. Refugees looking for work can register and look for offers also with the help of an interpreter in Ukrainian. Unemployed people, including those from Ukraine, will benefit above all from training, traineeships, intervention work, public works, refunds of childcare costs. They can also apply for money to start a business.


Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Jobs/Work



Polish, Ukrainian

Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic in Warsaw for Ukrainian Refugees

From 1 March 2022, the Inflancka Specialist Hospital opened a Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) for Ukrainian women (refugees) who have a certificate issued by the Polish Border Guard or an imprint of the stamp of the Polish Border Guard in their travel document confirming their legal stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland. All services provided in the Gynaecological and Obstetrics Clinic as well as in the Inflancka Hospital Admission Room to Ukrainian patients with the above mentioned documents will be provided free of charge.


Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Medical Help



Polish, Ukrainian


Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania raises funds for Ukrainian Children’s books

The Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania (Universal Reading Foundation) in Poland is raising funds to buy books for refugee children entering Poland from Ukraine and at the same time to support Ukrainian publishers. More than 20.000 Ukrainian books have been published for this cause so far by Polish publishers who requested the book files from their Ukrainian colleagues (some of whom are fighting in the war). If you would like to contact us please write to ukraine-funds@fpc.org.pl


Give Help




Children, Creative industry professionals

Help for Oncological Treatments for Ukrainians in Warsaw

The National Oncology Institute Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie offers a helpline for Ukrainian-speaking people who need information about the activities and treatment: Call (+48) 546 20 00 National Oncology Institute Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie, National Research Institute, ul. Roentgena 5, 02-781 Warsaw Please go for registration at Entrance A, where you will receive all necessary information.

ational Oncology Institute Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie

Medical Help



Polish, Ukrainian

Oncological Patients

Oncological Helpline for Ukrainians in Warsaw

The National Health Fund (NHF) offers a free hotline for oncological patients from Ukraine. Call free of charge (+48)  800 190 590. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, also on public holidays. The hotline allows you to contact centers where oncological treatment in Poland can be continued. It is intended for patients: who are Ukrainian citizens, treated oncologically in Ukraine, who, due to military operations, crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border from February 24, 2022. Through the hotline, the patient may report the need to continue oncological treatment in Poland. It is enough for the patient

Medical help in Warsaw

Medical Help



Polish, Ukrainian

Oncological Patients

Medical Help for Ukrainians in Warsaw

The National Health Fund (NFZ) offers a free 24 hours helpline in Ukrainian language. Here general questions will be answered (like: where is the next medical surgery, next pharmacy, night service, what to do in case of COVID-19 etc.). You can all for free at: (+48) 800 190 590. If you need medical help by a doctor, please contact for an online consultation the First Contact Teleplatform (TPK) on: (+48) 800 137 200. The sevice is open from Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day and during weekends and other public holidays 24 hours from

Medical help in Warsaw

Medical Help



English, Polish, Ukrainian

Free transportation and support across Europe

Here you can find details of free transportation, accommodation as various information and helplines for support across Europe, per country. The website is regularly updated.

thetrainline.com - Information on free transport and support

Accommodation, Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Transport

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom

English, Ukrainian

Information Sheet for Ukrainian Nationals in European Countries

Access to Territory, Asylum Procedures and Reception Conditions for Ukrainian Nationals in European Countries. The European Council on Refugees and Exiles, ECRE, an alliance of 105 NGOs across 39 European countries has compiled a non-exhaustive document of measures taken by European countries to address the arrival of Ukrainian nationals on their territory following the invasion in Ukraine. The information sheet is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive compilation of developments. If you have additional information, or spot outdated/inaccurate information, please contact: spapageorgopoulos@ecre.org.

Information Sheet

Legal Help

Austria, Belgium, Europe, France, Germany, Greece, International, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland


Rhino (2021)

Fiction Other Title: Носоріг Director: Oleh Sentsov Genre: Drama Country: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine Language: Ukrainian Length: 101 Minutes Synopsis: Starting out as a petty thief, a young man nicknamed “Rhino” quickly works his way up the criminal hierarchy in 1990s Ukraine. Rhino has only known power and cruelty, but with nothing left to lose, could he finally find a chance at redemption?. (Source: Cineuropa) Rhino was produced by Ukraine’s Arthouse Traffic and Cry Cinema, and was co-produced by Poland’s Apple Film Production and German outfit ma.ja.de Fiction. Its world sales are handled by WestEnd Films. Further Information: imdb.com Wikipedia in English Wikipedia in Ukrainian


Fiction, Searching for Distributor, Trailer

Germany, International, Poland, Ukraine

Work in theater for people from Ukraine / Праця в театрі для осіб з України

Facebook group where you can find a job offer and post it. In the pinned post you will find links to google docs where we will collect offers from Polish institutions. Розміщуйте свої оголошення та вільно спілкуйтесь в нашій спільноті :).У постійно закріпленому дописі знаходиться посилання на гугл документ, у якому ми будемо збирати пропозиції від польських закладів та установ. If you would like your institution’s offerings to be available here, please fill out the form and email it to: inszper.ukraina@gmail.com A template for institutions can be downloaded at this link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/16mZgVSLShkbT2w9QjQvsVR_yS5e5iTYG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113694236659306572629&rtpof=true&sd=true

Facebook Group - Work in Theaters

Find Help, Give Help, Jobs/Work



Actors/Actresses, Artists, Filmmakers

Free hotel rooms in 25 countries

PKF hospitality group made a plattform , where you can book hotel rooms all over Europe for a maximum of 5 nights for free. The hotel list includes many luxury hotels. You need a Ukrainian passport or proof of residency or refugee status in Ukraine at check-in. The website is Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Hospitality Helps

Accommodation, Find Help

Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, International, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

English, Russian, Ukrainian

Job offers for Ukrainian filmmakers in the Czech Republic

The Czech Audiovisual Producers’ Association (APA) joins forces with the newly created Creative Shelter Platform initiative which has set up a simple website where it is possible to enter job offers in creative fields into a google sheet. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to offer such positions, please use this form and also the FB of the CreativeShelter group – creative industry jobs for refugees to publish your offer.How does it work?Can’t get any easier. To be as fast and as effective as possible, please:1. Fill out Google sheet for your country with your contact details. 2. Feel free to


Find Help, Give Help, Jobs/Work

Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia


Creative industry professionals, Filmmakers

“First Help Ukraine” – Basic legal advice and info on entering and staying in numerous European countries

Well researched and current legal information about entering and staying in different European countries. The site is no substitute for professional legal advice, but it can offer a first overview. The language of the site can be changed in the bottom left part of the website.

"First Help" - legal Info on entering and staying in different European countries

Find Help, Legal Help

Austria, France, Germany, International, Luxembourg, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain

English, French, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Hilfen in der Ukrainekrise / Допомога в українській кризі

Border Crossing – Children’s Film Festival is looking for a Ukrainian / Ukrainian-speaking professional children’s animator from Warsaw to join the Border Crossing Children’s Film Festival activities.Ukrainian: Шукаємо українського / розмовляючого на українській професійного дитячого аніматора у Варшаві, котрий буде працювати в рамках фестивалю Дитячого Фільму Border Crossing. Перевага для осіб, що нещодавно утікали зі свого краю, та потребують праці.Зацікавлених особ просимо контактувати за поданим емейлом bccffpoland@gmail.com, або висилати повідомлення на нашій сторінці в соціальних медіа. Polish: Poszukujemy ukraińskiego / ukraińskojęzycznego profesjonalnego animatora dziecięcego z Warszawy, który włączy się w działania w ramach Festiwalu Filmów Dziecięcych Border Crossing. Pierwszeństwo będą miały





English, German, Ukrainian