The National Health Fund (NFZ) offers a free 24 hours helpline in Ukrainian language. Here general questions will be answered (like: where is the next medical surgery, next pharmacy, night service, what to do in case of COVID-19 etc.). You can all for free at: (+48) 800 190 590.
If you need medical help by a doctor, please contact for an online consultation the First Contact Teleplatform (TPK) on: (+48) 800 137 200. The sevice is open from Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day and during weekends and other public holidays 24 hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 am the following day.
On the website you find many more offers for free private and public multispeciality health services in Warsaw (like links or phonenumbers of gynaecologist and oncological clinics, dentists, optical help etc.) specialized for Ukrainians in Ukrainian language in Warsaw.
Medical help in Warsaw