Dutch School System
Education is compulsory (leerplicht) in the Netherlands from the ages of five to 16, however, most children start to attend primary school at age four. The school system in the Netherlands is as follows:
Education is compulsory (leerplicht) in the Netherlands from the ages of five to 16, however, most children start to attend primary school at age four. The school system in the Netherlands is as follows:
Helpful information about staying in the Netherlands as a Ukrainian: The IND’s website provides information for your residence and applications. And how the IND is flexible with residence permits for Ukrainians. They update the website immediately after there is news.
Netherland Immigration Service (IND)
Accommodation, Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Transport
The site puts the communities and associations that have published a request for help in contact with pre-registered volunteers. If the focus is currently on reception and emergency assistance, other services are also offered, such as transport, administrative assistance, fundraising, translation or learning French.
The City of Brussels makes an online form available to its residents and companies or non-profit organizations located on its territory. In this way, residents can express their willingness to receive and welcome Ukrainians.
Brussels - Reception of Ukrainians
An independent platform developed by 2 Harvard students connecting Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts and housing. You can search for accommodation by entering your preferred city and connect with hosts directly by messenger or mail. Please check your potential host as the platform cannot validate the hosts. The language of the page can be changed at the very bottom of the page.
Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian
Website of the Belgian government, which gathers information and answers FAQs concerning Ukrainian Refugees in Belgium. The federal government has also launched a general information hotline. The call centre can be reached every day from 9 AM to 5 PM, by calling 02/488 88 88.
This website lists households in the Netherlands that are prepared to receive people in a warm and homely environment in a private sphere. If you have a room available and you would like to temporarily receive and care for refugees from Ukraine at home, please register now.
OpenEmbassy is building a network of people who are fleeing because of the war in Ukraine and people in the Netherlands who can be of assistance. They also help with migrant visas (EU Blue Card).
Accommodation, Assistance for Refugees, Find Help, Give Help, Legal Help, Medical Help, Psychological Help
Takecarebnb connects refugees with Dutch families that are willing to open up their homes for three months.
RoomForUkraine is a Dutch private voluntary initiative matching refugees seeking shelter with kind people willing to open their homes for them. See also: www.twitter.com/RoomForUkraine