President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, launched a global initiative United24.
Its goal is to unite people in their will to help Ukraine. United24 starts with a fundraising platform, which becomes the main venue for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine. The United24 website provides the ability to make a one-click donation from any country.
United24 raises funds to be used in three directions: Defence and Demining
Humanitarian and Medical Aid
Rebuild Ukraine
All funds will be transferred to the accounts of the National Bank of Ukraine and assigned to the relevant ministries: The Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine, The Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) provides reporting on the funds raised once every 24 hours. The assigned ministries provide reporting on the distribution of funds once a week. To donate, go to the website of the platform