Lichter Filmfest International – Congress future german cinema 12. May 2022
13:00 h, Cantate-Saal – Volksbühne Im Großen Hirschgraben, Frankfurt am Main
With: Olga Kozhema (Filmmakers for Ukraine), Marc Wilkins (Director, Screenwriter, Producer) via Zoom, Oliver Zenglein (Crew United – Filmmakers for Ukraine), Natalia Libet (Filmproducer, Ukraine)
Dramatic images and news from Ukraine reach us daily. Russia is waging war against its neighboring country, catapulting the rest of the world into a serious crisis. The cruel attack against the Ukrainian civilian population has already cost thousands of lives and plunges millions into flight and despair. For all the consternation of the West, this is a war in the distance with an abstract idea of what it means to be threatened by death on a daily basis
Culture and its actors stand in the shadow of this war. The question of how to deal with the situation must and will also be asked by a film festival in Frankfurt.
In a video message at the opening of the exhibition: “This is Ukraine: Defending Freedom” at the Venice Biennale, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj emphasized the importance of art as a medium for discourse on the war.
Our intention is to give a forum to directly affected filmmakers from Ukraine. They should be given the space to share their impressions and experiences, if and how they wish. Listening to those affected is at the center of this.
In a further step, however, information is also to be provided about offers of help.
Those who contribute to improving the situation of those affected should also have their say. One example of this is the “Filmmakers for Ukraine” initiative. Crew United has created this central platform for all Ukrainians affected by the war in order to bring together people outside and inside Ukraine.
This panel will also be broadcast online: