Short Documentary
Director: Zoya Laktionova
Genre: Documentary
Country: Ukraine
Language: Russian
Length: 17 Minutes
Also known as: Terytoriya pustykh vikon (Ukrainian title)
Synopsis: War and abandoned ecology are two themes that permeate the everyday life of Mariupol residents. World War II and the local plant became the reason for Zoyas family to move to Mariupol. And the war with Russia along with environmental consequences of the plants operation have played a dramatic role in her future life. (Source: Official Facebook)
Availability: Territory of Empty Windows is available on Demand on Takflix.com
Also check out Me and Mariupol in the Movie section
About the Director:
Zoya Laktionova was born in Mariupol. She entered the world of documentary cinema as one of the heroines of the film “Ma” (directed by Maria Stoyanova) in 2017. Then the film won the Grand Prix in the competition MyStreetFilmsUkraine 2017 at the festival “86”. A year later, Zoya herself took part in MyStreetFilmsUkraine 2018 – the educational program of the Film and Urban Film Festival 86, and won with her first film “Diorama”.
Further Information:
Territory of Empty Windows at IMDB
Territory of Empty Windows at DocuDays