Director: Peter Kerekes
Genre: Drama
Country: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine
Language: Russian
Length: 93 Minutes
Synopsis: Lesya has committed a crime of passion which brings her a seven-year sentence in one of Odessa’s women’s correctional facilities. She has just given birth to her first child, and now she is entering a world populated only by women: inmates, nurses and wardens, women of all ages, wives and widows, daughters, sisters, pregnant women, and women with children. If not for the colour of the uniform, it would sometimes be hard to tell who is who. (Source: Cineuropa)
Further Information:
107 Mothers is a Slovak-Czech-Ukrainian co-production staged by Punkchart Films, Endorfilm, Radio and Television Slovakia, Peter Kerekes Film, Arthouse Traffic and Hypermarket Film. Its sales are overseen by Films Boutique.