Parents can use this website to type in their postcode (or the postcode where they plan to reside once they are in the UK) and find out which local authority (which local council) they should apply to.
From 4 years old, children can start at reception. Reception class is the first year at primary school, but unlike every other school year, it is not compulsory for the child to attend, but it is a good way to introduce the child to prepare for life at school.
If the child is four years old before September, parents can apply for a place in a reception class in the same way as you would for any school place. The child must attend school from the beginning of the school year following their 5th birthday.
To apply for a school, it is necessary to apply via a local council. Parents can call directly to the council or find information on the council website. Usually, it will be necessary to fill out a form with the information about the child, the address, and the 3 preferred schools in the order of preference. Once the application is received, parents should call the council to reiterate that the child is not being simply transferred but is out of school and missing education. This way the application will be processed faster.
Schools have various OFSTED ratings: outstanding, good, requires improvement. Schools with higher ratings are often oversubscribed but parents should still apply for the schools they prefer for their children. If a school is oversubscribed, it is possible to join a waiting list. It is also useful to contact your school of preference directly and speak to the admissions team as this may help progress your application via the local authority/council.
In the UK, the family can apply for the universal credit (benefits for the unemployed) which will allow their child to have free meals at school. Otherwise, the parents will need to prepare packed lunches or pay for the meals which in our school is about £15 a week.
Ukrainian children are usually able to get into school and nursery within a week of requesting places.