Polish Producers Alliance (KIPA) is collecting job and accommodation offers for Ukrainian filmmakers.
KIPA combines inquiries and offers of accommodation and work for Ukrainian filmmakers.
Three databases will be launched.
There are forms on the KIPAs site for you to submit a request for help or a proposal for assistance.
LOOKING FOR A JOB – concerning Ukrainian filmmakers and film set workers looking for work in Poland.
I WILL GIVE ACCOMMODATION – contains offers of accommodation for filmmakers and their families from Ukraine.
I WILL GIVE WORK – containing job offers for Ukrainian filmmakers. If you would like to offer work to people from Ukraine, please fill in the form containing information about, among others, producer, project, a function offered, location.
Also on KIPAs Hompage: Guide for Hosting Refugees from Ukraine – prepared by the HUMAN DOC Foundation. You will find here information on how to prepare for the arrival of guests and how to help people who survived traumatic events. The Foundation also provides a telephone number of a contact person – a psychologist, who can provide advice in special situations.
Legal assistance – KIPA cooperates with the LSW Law Firm, which provides free legal assistance concerning the legal status and employment of persons from the film industry in Ukraine. The Law Firm is also preparing a guide on employing Ukrainian citizens in Poland.
Ukrainian version