The Ukrainian House in Warsaw is run by the Foundation “Our Choice” (FOC), an NGO established in 2009 and from its inception run by immigrants from Ukraine.

We specialise in supporting the integration of migrants into Polish society and opposing the exclusion and discrimination of foreigners. We build bridges between Poles and Ukrainians and strive to disabuse negative stereotypes.

In the light of the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian House has today turned into a crisis response centre. Today, the Ukrainian House is:

  • Providing an infoline with advice and support for Ukrainians arriving in Poland. The infoline is open daily from 9-21.
  • Providing information about changing conditions and procedures at the border.
  • Finding accommodation for Ukrainians arriving in Poland.
  • Coordinating volunteers wishing to help in the crisis response.
  • Providing advice for Poles wishing to provide assistance to Ukrainians arriving in Poland.
  • Coordinating the distribution of aid and support to Ukraine.
  • Giving commentaries and providing information on the latest developments for the press.
  • Providing psychological support for Ukrainians in Poland.