Non-Governmental organization “Ukrainian Women’s Guard” was set up in 2014 and is a non-profit civil society organization which unites Ukrainian women on the basis of voluntariness, self-management, publicity, legitimacy, individual and collective membership to pursue and advocate their legitimate social, economic, creative, informational, legal, age-related, culture-biased, sport and other common interests.
The purpose of the organization is to unite all Ukrainian women who are involved into professional and business activity in Ukraine in the fields of politics, state administration, business, healthcare, science, education, culture and family in order to join efforts in advocating social, economic, political and other rights, as well as exercising institutional influence on the situation in the country.
The Ukrainian Women’s Guard – Ukrainian voluntary women’s organization, emerged in 2014 with the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war and began its activity with mass premedical training for women, it is a combination of psychological and psychiatric training. Since 2014 more than 40,000 women across Ukraine passed our training.