Atlantis, the cult film by Valentyn Vasyanovych NOW available on the Filmmakers For Ukraine online Charity Screenings

Atlantis, by Valentyn Vasyanovych

ATLANTIS – A strong piece of poeatically pure cinema, Valentyn Vasyanovych’s stunning film is a must-watch. The dystopian drama is the newest release among our Online Charity Screenings. Together with the fourth chapter of the Fantastic Ukrainians docuseries.

Atlantis by Valentyn Vasyanovych is a dystopian, post-apocalyptic love story set in the not so distant future, where the war in Ukraine is finally over. The Ukrainian drama world premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2019, winning the award for Best Film in the Horizons section. It is NOW available on the Charity Screening platform on Filmmakers for Ukraine, thanks to the help of the international sales company BEST FRIEND FOREVER.

The film has found the praise of the international critics. Variety called it “a strong piece of poetically pure art-house cinema”. In his review, film critic Dennis Harvey wrote that Atlantis “finally offers a ray of hope for humanity’s future – not just the Ukraine’s, as this largely depoliticized statement is one of universal relevance“. Peter Sobczynski ( called it “An extremely well-made film that contains some truly extraordinary imagery“.

Atlantis won six Ukrainian National Film Awards, the Golden Dzigas, for best director, cinematograpy, production design, editing, visual effects and best film. It also became the Ukrainian official submission for the Best International Feature Film at the 2021 Oscars.

The second title joining the Charity Screenings is the fourth chapter of the Docuseries Fantastic Ukrainians. After exploring the roots of Ukrainian Music and Cinema, and Literature the new episode focuses entirely on Visual Arts.


Atlantis (2019) by Valentyn Vasyanovych


Eastern Ukraine, in the nearest future. A desert unsuitable for human habitation. Sergiy, a former soldier suffering from PTSD, is having trouble adapting to his new reality: a life in pieces, a land in ruins. When the smelter he works at finally shuts down, he finds an unexpected way to cope joining the volunteer Black Tulip mission dedicated to exhuming war corpses. By working alongside Katya, he understands that a better future is possible. Will he learn to live without war and accept himself as he is?

See the trailer for Atlantis below:

We need your help!

At the moment, 9 Ukrainian or Ukrainian-themed films are available on the Charity Screenings Platform. New films available every week.
Renting a film costs 5 euros (short) or 9 euros (full-length).
All proceeds raised from streaming will be donated to Ukrainian filmmakers in dire need.
The Charity Committee operating within the NGO Filmmakers For Refugees decides on the allocation of funds.
For direct donations – go to Paypal.
Thank you to all viewers who join in this support effort!

Watch, understand and support Ukrainian filmmakers!

Charity Screenings on Filmmakers For Ukraine.