The Online Charity Screenings program opening on July 14th on FILMMAKERS-FOR-UKRAINE, come with the blessing of world-renowned Polish filmmaker Agnieszka Holland.
CLICK HERE to discover the first films available on the Charity Screenings Program
Holland taped herself in a brief video statement where she introduces the screenings, talking about the power of Ukrainian cinema and why it is timely to help Ukrainian filmmakers right now.
Below, please watch the message recorded by Agnieszka Holland:
Read the full message by Agnieszka Holland
“Cinema is young. Ukrainian cinema is innovative. And female: a lot of the best and most interesting filmmakers are women.
Ukrainian cinema is not escapism, it’s touching the heart of the problems of the life of this complicated and heroic country.
We want to understand what is going on in Ukraine. And Cinema is extremely helpful as it opens doors to a deeper knowledge and emotional experience. Watching Ukrainian cinema on the Charity Screenings platform made by FILMMAKERS-FOR-UKRAINE is a win-win. You are watching wonderful films and you are supporting Ukrainian filmmakers. They need to be seen, they need the support and the possibility to continue their work. Inside of Ukraine and outside.
Inside it is very difficult because of the war. And a lot of them are serving in the army. Others are filmming the atrocities of the war. And those who are unable to do these kind of things are helping other people or have been forced to emigrate. But even outside we can help them to find work, to finish their projects and we can help them to survive. So, watch Ukrainian movies and the movies about Ukraine on the charity screening platform, FILMMAKERS-FOR-UKRAINE“.
The first selection of online screenings will include films by well-established directors. But will also include new discoveries among the youngest generation of filmmakers. And international titles showing Ukraine from the perspective of an outside spectator. More films will enter the program every week.
Watch, understand, and support Ukrainian filmmakers now! Charity Screenings – online from Thursday, July 14